świąteczne cukrowe laski-Christmas Candy Cane
- Składniki
- 1 szklanka masła, rozpuszczonego
- 1 szklanka cukru pudru
- 1 jajko, lekko roztrzepane
- 2 łyżeczki ekstraktu migdałowego
- 1 łyżeczka ekstraktu z wanilii
- 1 / 2 łyżeczki soli
- 2 1 / 2 szklanki mąki
- 3 / 4 łyżeczki czerwonego barwnika spożywczego
- 1 / 4 łyżeczki ekstraktu z mięty pieprzowej
- 20 okrągłe cukierki miętowe
- 1 / 4 szklanki cukru
- W dużej misce lub misce miksera, masło i cukier puder utrzeć na puszystą masę, około 3 minuty.
- Dodać jajko, migdały i ekstrakt z wanilii i sól i dokładnie wymieszać. Dodaj mąkę w 3 odstępach czasu mieszając, aż będzie w ciasto jednolite.
- Ciasto podzielić na pół i jedną część owinąć w folię i umieścić w lodówce. Przechowywać druga połoowinąć w folię i umieścić w lodówce na 30 minut.
- Rozgrzej piekarnik do 180 stopni. Wyjmij ciasto z lodówki i rozwiń, połóż na powierzchni lekko posypanej mąką. Fformuj z obu ciast po wałeczku, połóż koło siebie i skręć je w cukrową laskę. Wszystkie cukrowe laski połóż na blasze wyłożonej papierem do pieczenia,.
- Ciasteczka piecz 10 minut. W międzyczasie wymieszać zgniecione cukierki miętowe i cukier. Wyjmij z pieca i natychmiast posyp mieszaniną. Pozostawić do ostygnięcia przed podaniem
Przepis na 25 sztuk.
Dwie blaszki wykładamy papierem do pieczenia.
Składniki na ciasto:
- 250 g mąki pszennej/ tortowej
- 1/2 szklanki cukru kryształu
- 70 g margaryny
- 1 całe jajko
- kilka kropel aromatu waniliowego
- kilka kropel aromatu migdałowego
- kilka kryształków czerwonego barwnika spożywczego
Do ozdoby:
- 4 łyżki kopiate cukru pudru
- 2 łyżki wody
- 2 łyżki posypki cukrowej kolorowej
W rondelku umieszczamy margarynę i cukier. Na małym ogniu łączymy ze sobą składniki. Cukier ma się całkowicie roztopić.Do miski wsypujemy mąkę. Dodajemy do niej płynną margarynę i cukier, jajko i aromaty. Z podanych składników wyrabiamy ciasto. Ciasto dzielimy na 2 części i do jednej z nich dodajemy barwnik czerwony. Z białego i czerwonego ciasta formujemy cienkie wałeczki. Długości mogą być przeróżne bo nie każda laska musi być taka sama. Układamy koło siebie, na przemian, tych samych długości wałeczki czerwony-biały-czerwony-biały (zdjęcie poniżej) i rolujemy tak by powstał jeden gruby wałek. Skręcamy go i zaginamy na kształt laski.
Tak przygotowane laski kładziemy na uprzednio przygotowanej blaszce do pieczenia i pieczemy w 180 stopniach Celsjusza przez 12 minut.
Po upieczeniu odstawiamy je do ostygnięcia.
W małej miseczce łączymy ze sobą cukier puder i wodę. Do drugiej miseczki wsypujemy posypkę cukrową.
Każdą upieczoną laskę polewamy lukrem i zdobimy posypką.
Candy canes
1. Take small amounts of red and white
fondant icing. On a surface lightly dusted with icing sugar, roll each
of the colours out to form snakes about 5mm thick.
2. Twist the two coloured snakes around
each other, then lightly roll them together with the tips of your
fingers until they form one stripy, red and white snake.
3. Cut into 4cm-long pieces and shape into candy canes. Leave to dry on the dusted work surface.
- 3 cups granulated sugar
- 1 cup light corn syrup
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/2 tsp peppermint extract
- A few drops of red food coloring
- Plastic gloves
Prepare two cookie sheets by spraying them with nonstick cooking spray
or covering them with a light layer of oil. Preheat your oven to 200
2. Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring continuously, until the sugar dissolves. Insert a candy thermometer and continue cooking without stirring until the candy reaches 285 (soft-crack stage).
3. Once the proper temperature is reached, remove the candy from the heat immediately and stir in the mint extract. Pour half of the mixture onto the prepared cookie sheet and place it in the preheated oven to stay warm.
4. Add red food coloring to the remaining candy. Pour the candy out onto a marble slab or heat-safe cutting board. Allow it to sit briefly until it forms a “skin.”
5. Spray a bench scraper or heat-safe spatula with nonstick cooking spray, and use the tool to begin spreading the candy out and pushing it back together, working it across the board and allowing it to cool. Don’t forget to check out the instructions showing how to pull candy if you get confused about the process.
6. As soon as the candy is cool enough to handle (but still quite hot), begin to pull it. If you have plastic gloves, put them on and spray the gloves with nonstick cooking spray—this will help prevent overheated or burned hands. Take the candy in both hands and pull the hands in opposite directions, stretching the candy into a long rope. Bring the ends of the strands together and twist the candy into a rope, then pull the rope out into a long strand. Continue to twist and pull the candy until it has a satin-like finish and is an opaque red color. Once the candy is still pliable but barely warm, pull it into a strand about 2” thick, and place it on the remaining prepared baking sheet. Put this sheet back into the oven, turn off the heat, and remove the baking sheet with the other half of the candy syrup. The pulled candy will remaining pliable in the warm oven while you work the second portion.
7. Repeat the pulling procedure with the second, clear portion of candy. At the end, the candy should be a pearly white color. Form it into a log 2” in diameter, just like the red candy.
8. Remove the red candy from the oven. Cut a 5-inch segment from the white and the red log, and place them next to each other. Begin to pull the candies together, twisting gradually to form the familiar candy stripes. Once the twisted candy is the thickness you want, use oiled kitchen shears to cut them to approximately 8” lengths. Immediately form the hook at the top of the cane, and place it on a baking sheet to set at room temperature.
9. Repeat the twisting with the remaining candy. If the candy gets too hard to pull, place it in the warm oven for a few minutes to soften, but don’t let it sit too long and melt. The candy canes will get very hard at room temperature, but if left out for long periods of time they will get soft and sticky, so be sure to wrap them in cellophane once they are set.
2. Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring continuously, until the sugar dissolves. Insert a candy thermometer and continue cooking without stirring until the candy reaches 285 (soft-crack stage).
3. Once the proper temperature is reached, remove the candy from the heat immediately and stir in the mint extract. Pour half of the mixture onto the prepared cookie sheet and place it in the preheated oven to stay warm.
4. Add red food coloring to the remaining candy. Pour the candy out onto a marble slab or heat-safe cutting board. Allow it to sit briefly until it forms a “skin.”
5. Spray a bench scraper or heat-safe spatula with nonstick cooking spray, and use the tool to begin spreading the candy out and pushing it back together, working it across the board and allowing it to cool. Don’t forget to check out the instructions showing how to pull candy if you get confused about the process.
6. As soon as the candy is cool enough to handle (but still quite hot), begin to pull it. If you have plastic gloves, put them on and spray the gloves with nonstick cooking spray—this will help prevent overheated or burned hands. Take the candy in both hands and pull the hands in opposite directions, stretching the candy into a long rope. Bring the ends of the strands together and twist the candy into a rope, then pull the rope out into a long strand. Continue to twist and pull the candy until it has a satin-like finish and is an opaque red color. Once the candy is still pliable but barely warm, pull it into a strand about 2” thick, and place it on the remaining prepared baking sheet. Put this sheet back into the oven, turn off the heat, and remove the baking sheet with the other half of the candy syrup. The pulled candy will remaining pliable in the warm oven while you work the second portion.
7. Repeat the pulling procedure with the second, clear portion of candy. At the end, the candy should be a pearly white color. Form it into a log 2” in diameter, just like the red candy.
8. Remove the red candy from the oven. Cut a 5-inch segment from the white and the red log, and place them next to each other. Begin to pull the candies together, twisting gradually to form the familiar candy stripes. Once the twisted candy is the thickness you want, use oiled kitchen shears to cut them to approximately 8” lengths. Immediately form the hook at the top of the cane, and place it on a baking sheet to set at room temperature.
9. Repeat the twisting with the remaining candy. If the candy gets too hard to pull, place it in the warm oven for a few minutes to soften, but don’t let it sit too long and melt. The candy canes will get very hard at room temperature, but if left out for long periods of time they will get soft and sticky, so be sure to wrap them in cellophane once they are set.
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